Friday, April 30, 2010

For Sister pt.3

Again we have orange as the main color in this piece made for my sister Jen. It is a kumihimo rope made from 7 strands of seed beads. Finished with pewter bead caps and gold plated wire and a toggle clasp. I use the Diva Custom Cord Maker, from I love making these, I just get lazy sometimes and need a nudge to get started again.


  1. That must've taken ages to string the seed beads. I hardly ever work w/ them anymore b/c it takes so long to string them. Do you have a bead spinner? Does it work?

  2. Sadly I am a year late in answering your questions LOL XD
    Yes, I have a bead spinner, yes, it works, BUT... I cheat, I tie the nymo to the string the beads came on and just carefully slide them over the knot. ;)
    This does not work well if you are using size 13's or smaller though.
